Costa Rica Tarrazu La Pastora SHB
Costa Rica Tarrazu La Pastora SHB
□牧童莊園/處理場隸屬於成立於1970年的塔拉珠合作社(Coope Tarrazu),莊園位在塔拉珠產區較深處的聖馬可仕(San Marcos)鎮旁,種植區域就在處理廠後方平均海拔約1450公尺火山山坡上.每年11月開始,咖啡農民就會徒步順著地形上山檢視咖啡園,並以手工採摘完全成熟的紅色果實,,然後送至下方的處理場.牧童處理廠採用傳統水洗處理法來處理生豆,而流經處理廠旁的琵里司河(Rio Pirris)正好為處理廠提供充沛而潔淨的水源.
□La Pastora
La Pastora coffee is produced in Los Santos, a small part of the well-known Tarrazu coffee region of central Costa Rica. The community who grows and processes these beans is located around the city of San Marcos in the mountainous Tarrazú canton in the San José province. The Pirris river nearby provides water to the highland region, making it perfect for coffee production and other types of agriculture. The mountains make part of the Talamanca Sierra, which runs through Costa Rica and Panama.
La Pastora coffee is grown between 1300 and 1800 meters (hence, strictly hard bean or SHB). Predominant varieties in the region are Caturra and Catuai. The coffee is selected and screened following the European preparation – briefly: EP – quality standard. This allows for 4 secondary defect equivalents and no primary defects.