Panama Esmeralda Palmyra Catuai Washed
□雨林聯盟Rainforest Alliance認證

□About Palmira/Palmira was the first farm purchased by the Peterson family, originally as pasture for dairy cows. In 1984, the farm was planted with coffee at 1,100 meters above sea level and in the 90s the beneficio, or coffee mill, was built.
Palmira is in many ways the life and blood of Hacienda La Esmeralda, and not just because it is the site of the coffee mill. Palmira is also the highest production farm at Hacienda La Esmeralda, which directly contributes to the continued employment of the over 300 migrant pickers who come to work at Esmeralda’s farms. During the harvest season, the pickers and their families live on the farm, with close to 1,000 people setting up for the season.
In addition to supporting workers, the Palmira farm has been Rainforest Alliance Certified, attesting to the care and consideration at the base of all Esmeralda Coffees.
□About Catuai/ Catuai is a high yielding Arabica variety born as a hybrid of Mundo Novo and Caturra in Brazil in the late 1940s. The name Catuai comes from the Tupi-Guarani South American aboriginal language meaning “very good”. Catuai varieties have short trees with lateral branches that grow very close to the primary ones. It is a very strong tree and can resist large amounts of rain and strong winds. Because of this, it is a very good varietal to grow and is found in many countries throughout the Americas. It grows at many altitudes but is best when grown over 800 meters above sea level.
At Hacienda La Esmeralda, when Catuai is processed, it develops complex cupping notes with a taste profile of sweet balanced rounded fruit and chocolate. The high production and dependable nature of Catuai coffee allows us to offer consistent lots of Catuai under our brands: El Velo, Diamond Mountain and Palmyra. These brands represent the high level of Hacienda La Esmeralda processing applied to a volume of coffees that allow us to continue sustaining the workers and farms year after year.
圖文彙整/咖啡舖子Ryan Chien 2016/10/19

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