Nicaragua Jinotega Santa ana Estate SHG

尼加拉瓜Santa Ana莊園一家四口
□生產者:聖塔安娜莊園(Santa Ana Estate)
□等級:SHG EP
2012Rainforest Alliance (雨林認證).
2013 C.A.F.E. Practices (CAFE實踐計畫).
2015 UTZ Certification (UTZ認證)
The Santa Ana farm is located in Jinotega, one of the most productive coffee areas of Nicaragua. With an altitude of 1,225 meters above sea level, Santa Ana has one of the most privileged locations among our Premium Estates. Since ninety years ago, the Santa Ana Estate has remained faithful to its traditions, earning a special place in their community. Over the years, the Zeledon family has remained very involved with their farm. This has allowed Santa Ana to stand out; mostly because of the care they give to their coffee from its production to its processing
以下網址連結是Mercon公司為Santa Ana莊園拍攝的3'16"影片,值得點閱.
(圖文彙整/咖啡舖子Ryan Chien 2017/03/07)

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