Costa Rica West Velly Helsar Rola White Honey
□葉爾莎處理廠算是哥斯大黎加這一波微型處理場革命展開以來,最早引進台灣的微型處理廠之一, 2007年就出現在市面上,與赫爾巴夙,布魯瑪斯,拉哈斯...等等第一波微型處理廠的改革先驅齊名.處理場主人里卡多•佩雷斯•巴蘭特斯(Ricardo Pé rez Barrantes)在哥斯大黎加栽種咖啡的時間已經長達40年以上,是個經驗豐富的咖啡生產者,也致力於處理法上的創新,從最早期的水洗與近十年來的蜜處理法,都有非常卓越的表現.早期與其他小農一樣,採收後的咖啡櫻桃都交付給中大型處理廠來做生產,而這樣優質的咖啡生豆就與其他一般批次混合出口,農民在產業鏈中只能獲得少少的利潤,不但無法激勵農民追求更好的生豆品質,也無法提高農民的生活水平. 有鑑於此,2004年里卡多家族搭上了微型處理廠的革命風潮,成立了葉爾莎處理廠,最初主要是與他的兄弟馬文(Marvin)和菲利普•羅德里格斯(Felipe Rodriguez)合作,一起處理自家莊園-聖塔路西亞莊園(Santa Lucia)的咖啡生豆,但近年來也開始經手西部谷地(West Valley) Lourdes de Naranjo 及 Llano Bonito de Naranjo等微產區小農所生產的高品質咖啡櫻桃.這幾年在國際咖啡市場獲得高度評價以及相當可觀的獲獎紀錄.
Ricardo Pérez Barrantes and brothers Marvin and Felipe Rodriguez established Helsar de Zarcero about 12 years ago. The mill began as a way for the three to process coffees from their own farms, and later evolved to become a service for other producers in the West Valley region to create their own micro lots. The micro mill is an essential part of increasing a producer’s access to quality development, the specialty market, and higher prices. A mill is also a huge investment for a small producer—not only does it take money to build, it requires a new skill set with a learning curve and risk. Helsar saw an opportunity to build the micro mill revolution and community in their area by offering a service to other producers growing great coffee, but lacked the means to create their own lots.
Helsar functions like a family. The group of about 40 producers is a tight network, but it’s not a coop. For the most part, each producer’s lots are processed separately so that they may create micro lots to sell to buyers that consist of their coffee alone. Scheduled days and times are allotted to each producer to bring cherry to the Helsar mill to be processed. Most of the coffee is fully washed, but Helsar is also experimenting with some honey processed coffees on drying beds, and a newly built facility for producing cascara—a fruit tea made from the pulp, or skin of the coffee cherry….
(圖文彙整/咖啡舖子Ryan Chien 2017/03/17)
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