Guatemala Huehuetenango Finca La Bolsa
□生產者:波爾莎莊園(Finca La Bolsa)
□等級:SHB EP
□波爾莎莊園創辦人Dr.Jorge Vides在瓜地馬拉醫療史上是位赫赫有名的人物,除在瓜地馬拉市立國家醫院擔任院長30年,期間為瓜地馬拉醫療貢獻良多,後來醫院更以他的名字命名,也就是現在的Hospital National Dr. Jorge Vides Molina. 1958年Dr. Jorge Vides退休後,一個偶然機會來到薇薇特南果,當地山區風景優美,氣候怡人,Dr. Jorge Vides深深為其著迷,他買下一塊環境優美,位於兩座高山之間,還有兩條河流經過的土地,並命名為波爾莎莊園(Finca La Bolsa ),從此展開Vides家族的咖啡事業.
薇薇特南果是瓜地馬拉、甚至是中南美洲最優秀的精品咖啡產區之一,主要歸因於它獨特的地理環境,土壤肥沃,雨水豐沛,高海拔連綿的山區(1200~1800公尺),陡峭的山坡就特殊的圈谷地形,每個區塊都是獨特多變的微型氣候(microclimate),也因此不同莊園的咖啡,風味也是南轅北轍.與波爾莎莊園緊鄰的就是大名鼎鼎茵赫特莊園 ( El Injerto ).
波爾莎莊園現在已由家族第三代接棒,創辦人的人文關懷精神也延續著.莊園內水源豐沛,不僅可以建立自己的水洗處理廠,方便咖啡漿果新鮮處理,確保穩定品質,而多餘的水源也可以分享給附近的墨西哥邊境社區(Municipio La Mesilla).此外,莊園內的咖啡農家庭也得到相當的照顧,除衣食照料外,還有自己的學校.
波爾莎莊園在2002年取得CoE競賽亞軍成績,也通過雨林保護聯盟認證(Rainforest Alliance Certified).是薇薇特南果產區相當熱門的莊園.
□La Bolsa is an estate in La Libertad, Huehuetenango that is known for consistent quality year after year. It was founded by Dr. Jorge Vides.
Dr. Jorge Vides was a doctor at the National Hospital of Huehuetenango, and the hospital was named after him following 30 years of dedicated service.In 1958, he bought La Bolsa farm, named for the river that runs through the land. He was committed to producing high quality coffees and loved his time on La Bolsa farm.His hard work and commitment to quality paid off; in 1984 Dr. Vides was given the “Outstanding Coffee Grower” award by ANACAFE.
Dr. Vides passed away in1995 and the management of the farm is currently handled by the family's third generation. His family continues the commitment to quality that Dr. Jorge Vides started, and was the number 2 CoE winner in 2002.
More from Maria Elena Video de Ovalle, a current producer at La Bolsa:
In 1956 Dr. Jorge Vides Molina bought a piece of land named La Bolsa, it was given that name because it is located between large mountains. It has its own spring water and two rivers go across the property, leaving and island of the patio where we dry our coffee, the mill, farmhouse and school.
One of our strong features is that we have our own natural spring water which while we use it we are also able to donate the surplus the Municipio La Mesilla, located at the border of Mexico.
In the year 2002 we obtained second place at the national level of the Cup of Excellence with a rating of 94.98.
The farm also counts with a school in order to alphabetize the children of the farm. It also has a hydroelectric and we work with earthworms for organic matter.
We support the environment by complying with all the pre-requisites of the Certifications of Rainforest and C.A.F.E Practices.
In the year 2005, Finca La Bolsa was chosen by Anacafe-Huehuetenango to impart a documentary with the German Channel D W T V, with the purpose of filming the process of high quality coffee production in Guatemala, which was viewed worldwide.
(圖文彙整/咖啡舖子Ryan Chien 2017/04/19)
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