Guatemala Antigua Santa Clara SHB


瓜地馬拉安提瓜聖塔克拉拉莊園Santa Clara.jpg  聖塔克拉拉莊園主Ricardo和她的女兒 Isabel.jpg

□聖塔克拉拉莊園位於瓜地馬拉南方的安提瓜產區,種植區域集中在Acatenango、Agua、Fuego三座火山環繞的安提瓜山谷(Antigua Valley).由於火山所噴發的火山灰含豐富的礦物質,為該區域的土壤帶來充足的養分,也提供咖啡種植所需的絕佳排水性.聖塔克拉拉莊園海拔高度大約在1600至1830公尺,由Zelaya家族所經營,目前已傳承至第四代,有超過100年的種植經驗.該家族除了對品質的堅持,也相當重視環保與永續經營.因此園內種植遮蔭大樹,避免咖啡樹直接曝曬於陽光下,同時也保持土壤水分,防止土壤流失,也為鳥類及其他生物提供良好的棲息地.聖塔克拉拉莊園在瓜地馬拉歷年的COE比賽中都有不錯的成績表現,是安提瓜產區眾所皆知的明星莊園.

聖塔克拉拉莊園溫室乾燥.jpg 安提瓜聖塔克拉拉.jpg

□Finca Santa Clara is located in the southern slopes of the Antigua Valley, between 1,600 and 1,830 meters (5,250 and 6,000 feet), and is privileged to have one of the finest volcanic soils to produce specialty coffee. The preservation of its natural condition is a priority for the owners. The plantation is also under a very strict control of shade, allowing the coffee trees to receive the exact amount of sunshine required to produce this fine, exquisite and aromatic coffee. Shade protects the plants from direct sunlight, maintains soil health and provides habitat for birds and insects.
The farm is managed since 1988 by Ricardo Zelaya, the fourth generation producing coffee in Santa Clara. Mr. Zelaya is a founding member of APCA - Genuine Antigua Coffee Producers Association. The Zelaya family is committed to both quality and sustainability. They own other area farms and each is scrupulously managed beginning with careful selection of varietals to the close supervision of dry and wet mills. As on their farms, the family's mills are also eco-friendly. Water used in the wet processing of the cherries is drained into sedimentation tanks to prevent pollution of the local river systems and the pulp is transformed to humus by worm culture.
Hand picked fruit is processed and washed in a traditional mill with crystal clear water. This is followed by patiently sun dried for days on patios, giving each bean a distinctive blue-green color. This sun dried coffee has the highest standards of quality in Antigua. Every step in the mill is monitored constantly to maintain the quality. When the coffee is dried each sample is cupped by two expert cuppers to assure our clients the usual quality of this coffee.
Roasting Notes: Hard, dense and durable, this coffee can successfully be roasted across the gamut of darkness levels. To fully appreciate it, go no further that somewhat into second crack, preferably ending the roast sooner to preserve the apple and peach notes.
(圖文彙整/咖啡舖子Ryan Chien2018/03/05)
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