Panama Santa Clara FST Finca Santa Teresa Caturra/Catuai Honey
□產區: Santa Clara, Chiriqui Province
□品種: Caturra/Catuai
□聖特蕾莎莊園(Finca Santa Teresa;FST),Best of Panama的常勝軍,位於巴拿馬和哥斯大黎加邊界的聖塔克拉拉(Santa Clara)產區較高海拔的位置,擁有豐富的深色火山土壤,並同時接受太平洋和大西洋的氣候滋潤,這些獨特優勢造就了莊園每年生產出優質咖啡.
Finca Santa Teresa is a boutique coffee farm and mill located high in the cloud forest of Panama. FST sits close to the border with Costa Rica and Panama’s highest peak, the Volcan Baru. Adjacent is La Amistad National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
FST produces coffees of singular quality. The key to this is terroir – rich volcanic soils, high altitude, weather systems driven by the Pacific and Atlantic and a series of ridges and valleys. The result is coffee redolent of honeysuckle, lychee and strawberries.
The coffee produced by FST is the antithesis of monolithic simplicity.
Between November and February, coffee is picked from the 20 different lots on the farm. Soon after picking, the coffee is processed using one of three main processing methods – washed, honey or natural. Depending on the method, this can see the coffee drying on raised beds (known as Camas Africanas) for up to a month.
(圖文彙整/咖啡舖子Ryan Chien 2018/12/03)