Guatemala Atitlan Blue Lake SHB EP
□海拔:1500 - 1800m
□品種:Bourbon, Caturra, Typica
□阿提特蘭產區是瓜地馬拉重要且知名的火山咖啡產區之一,周圍環繞著三座火山(阿提特蘭火山Volcán Atitlán、聖佩德羅火山Volcán San Pedro、托利曼火山Volcán Tolimán).阿提特蘭產區土壤當中含有最適合咖啡種植的有機物質,這得天獨厚的條件使得該產區的咖啡有著迷人的香濃氣味,且百分之九十的咖啡沿著陡峭的斜坡栽種,一直延伸至瓜地馬拉最知名的Atitlán阿提特蘭湖.( Atitlán意指「水的地方」.Atitlán湖隱藏在瓜地馬拉西南部群山中,有人說景色宛若仙境,距離首都瓜地馬拉市144公里,車程大約2.5小時,為瓜國最重要的觀光地區之一,也被譽為全世界最美的湖泊之一.該湖海拔高度1562公尺,長度18公里,寬度13公里,水深341公尺,總面積130平方公里,由Tolimán,Atitlán,San Pedro等三座火山所環繞…)
□Of Guatemala’s five volcanic coffee regions, Atitlán’s soil is the richest in organic matter. Ninety percent of Traditional Atitlán is cultivated along the slopes of the dramatic volcanoes that dominate the shores of Lake Atitlán, the largest and most famous of Guatemala’s many crater lakes. The daily winds (called Xocomil) that stir the cold lake water are an important influence on the microclimate.
The culture’s highly developed artisan tradition is reflected in the small producer’s skilled cultivation and processing. Although some take their coffee to nearby farms for milling, many belong to cooperatives with their own mill, or process their harvest at home.
(圖文彙整/咖啡舖子Ryan Chien 2019/01/03)