Panama Santa Clara Eleta Estate SHB

□產區:聖塔克拉拉(Santa Clara)

□產區:聖塔克拉拉(Santa Clara)
□莊園:伊列塔(狐狸)莊園(Finca Eleta)
□狐狸莊園莊園(又稱伊列塔)(Café de Eleta)位於聖塔克拉拉產區(Santa Clara)的微型區域,距離哥斯大黎加邊境只有一公里,鄰近La Amistad International Park的原始森林保留地,是中美洲重要的生態棲息地.伊列塔莊園1970年開始取得土地,初期面積大約130公頃,剛開始是種植蔬菜和畜牧業經營,直至1995年才開始種植咖啡,正式取名為「Café de Eleta S.A.」,並繼續擴大種植面積,直到今天已經擁有420公頃土地,園區內水源充沛,也擁有私人發電設備,是巴拿馬大型咖啡莊園之一,也是巴拿馬各項咖啡競賽中的常勝軍.

□Café de Eleta’s premises are located near La Amistad International Park, just one kilometre from the border between Panama and Costa Rica. The park is primary rainforest preserve belonging to Central America’s ecological corridor. Owing to its biodiversity and significance to the ecosystem, it has been declared a Natural Heritage by UNESCO. Coffees grown on the farm benefit from this special location within the cloud forest, which is rich with exotic species and a wide variety of animals and plants.
Café de Eleta’s first ranch of approximately 130 hectares was acquired in the early 70s. For two decades, the ranch produced primarily vegetables, other agricultural crops and livestock. In 1995 the company began to specialize exclusively in coffee. It was at this time that the company took the name of Café de Eleta S.A. Since that time, Café de Eleta has significantly expanded, growing to nearly 420 hectares. The farm’s first exported coffee in 1998 and most of its coffee is destined for European and American markets.
In light of its unique location, the farm’s owners and staff take a great deal of care in protecting their natural heritage and work to preserve Café de Eleta as a home to a large number of species in danger of extinction.
In order to ensure the proper care of the environment, they have taken the following measures:
Forest guardians ride across the ranch to make sure that poachers do not trespass and that both local people and visitors respect the ecosystem.
Café de Eleta’s staff members receive training in environmental issues so that they can better understand the measures that must be adopted to protect the area.
They are implementing a re-forestation programme to sow 5000 native species every year.
They use either organic products or products that proved harmless to fertilize the soil and control plagues.
Quality at Eleta starts with strict attention to harvesting, with only the ripest beans being picked. Coffee is then transported to the farm’s mill just hours after being harvested.
This attention to detail is carried through at the farm’s wet mill, which uses the most modern technologies to ensure proper pulping and fermentation. Coffee is delivered to floatation tanks, where underripe and damaged beans are separated from the dense, ripe beans. Coffee is then pulped, fermented and fully washed before being delivered to the mills patios for pre-drying. Shortly after, the pergaminio coffee is slowly dried at a constant temperature in the mill’s wood-fired guardiolas. Only when the optimal humidity of 12% is reached is the coffee stored in wooden silos or jute sacks to rest for 45 to 60 days.
Before being delivered to rest, each lot of coffee is cupped by Eleta’s team of experienced cuppers to ensure that the coffee is free of defects.
Plans for the future include:
Trying new varietals against Rust, OBATA (Catuai hibrid) & Venecia.
Planting also new Bourbons and Pacamara coffees.
Natural processing more coffee as the demand for naturals is growing.
The farm employees 34 individuals year-round and, during the harvest, provides employment for 400 additional workers, many of whom come from indigenous communities around Panama (Knobe-Bugle, primarily). In 2000, Finca Eleta – concerned for the welfare of these families – founded ‘La Escuelita Café de Eleta’ (Café Eleta’s Little School), a day care and school project established to help prevent child labour and to help the farm’s seasonal workers. Starting with just one room, the school has grown to serve the wider community, with a three school-room building being built by the Eleta family in conjunction with the Casa Esperanza foundation in 2014. Children attending the school receive healthy meals and support with maths and reading and also receive health care support.
Learn more about the school or check out the Finca Eleta website.
(圖文彙整/咖啡舖子 Ryan Chien 2017/09/24)
(圖文彙整/咖啡舖子 Ryan Chien 2017/09/24)