
Burundi Ngozi Rugabo Washed

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□產區:Province Ngozi
□處理廠:Rugabo Station
□浦隆地是一個小型內陸國,位於中非與東非的交叉口,也是尼羅河和剛果河的分水嶺,因此有「非洲之心」之美稱.該國和多數東非咖啡產國一樣,並沒有概念上的”莊園”,而是由咖啡小農將成熟的咖啡果實直接送至政府興建的小型水洗場CWS(Coffee Wash Station)統一處理.盧嘉寶處理廠於1980年在世界銀行資助下建置完成,”Rugabo”(盧嘉寶)在當地傳統語言有”強壯的男人”的意思…
蒲隆地國內咖啡水洗處理廠(CWS)的管理單位為SOGESTAL( Societe de Gestion des Stations de Lavage),轄下有Coprotra, Kayanza, Kirimiro, Muyinga, Mumirwa, Ngozi, Sonicoff等七座處理廠.所謂的SOGESTAL是一項蒲隆地政府與咖啡工作者共同推動的一種合作模式,目的是幫助當地咖啡農,提供他們需要的設備,提昇咖啡生產力,並設立水洗站以進行適當的生豆處理,生產出品質優異的咖啡,同時也幫助當地社區發展…
Rugabo washing station was built with the help of the Worldbank in the 1980s. The word Rugabo means strong man in Kirundi, the national language of Burundi. This station has a long tradition of producing high quality Arabica. The station is managed by Ngozi, Sogestal. Sogestal, an acronym for Societe de Gestion des Stations de Lavage, are management groups which each manage up to 40 washing stations. The main producing provinces in Burundi, including Ngozi,Kyanza,Kirundo,Kirimiro and Mumirwa, each have their own Sogestal.
Rugabo produces fully washed Arabica using a Mckinnon depulper that has no mucilage remover. After pulping the cherries the beans must be fermented, depending on weather conditions, for about 12 hours when using the dry fermentation method or up to 24 hours when using wet fermentation. After fermenting, they are washed and soaked for 12-18 hours. The wet beans in parchment are then sun dried on raised African drying beds for between 14 and 21 days, until moisture levels reach 11%. The beans are then accessed and any defects are removed by hand before the parchment is stored in a warehouse next to the washing station. Prior to milling the parchment is transported and stored in the private drymill Sivca located in Ngozi. Here the green beans are handpicked and defects are removed to meet with specialty requirements. Finally the quality of the coffee is tested and graded by ARFIC, Burundi’s coffee regulating institute. After quality testing, export is authorized.

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